Change is the only Constant
We never stop...
We never give up...
We are always changing ourselves for the better...
Core Values
What Next
In Any and every situation, good or bad, the first question we ask from ourselves is WHAT NEXT. We do not believe in dwelling on what has happened already, we believe in looking forward by asking the most important question:
We believe in taking ownership of whatever work is given to us, thus performing it to best of our abilities, every time. This develops trust, which is the foundation of our relationship with all our clients. WE STRIVE TO GAIN THE TRUST OF ALL OUR CLIENTS AND PARTNERS
We believe in the Universal law of Karma, what you sow is what you reap. We understand that the happiest people are not those who get more, but those who give more. We truly believe that GIVING IS NOT A RESPONSIBILITY, IT IS A PRIVILEGE
Group Companies
Tranz Rail Solutions
Tranz Rail Solutions was formed with only one mission in mind, to bring in the latest technology from around the world for Indian Railways to enhance the safety of our tracks and structures.
Oberoi - Winamore BTS
Oberoi - Winamore BTS is responsible for bringing the ground breaking technology for Phased Array Testing of Rails and Welds to Indian railways amongst other things.
Rail Technology International
Rail Technology International, Australia is the world leader in Vehicular Testing of Rails at high speeds. The Indian Subsidiary is responsible for making vehicular testing in Indian Railways a success for the first time ever.
Foreign Partners
CTF Sauron, France
World leaders in robotic reconditioning of CMS Crossings and Carbon Rails. Their TRANSLAMATIC Robotic Technology is used around the world.
Strainstall, UK
World leaders in Structural health Monitoring. Responsible for structural health monitoring of many iconic bridges and landmarks across the globe.
NGRT, Spain
Pioneers in real time Broken Rail Detection. They are probably the only company in the world with a solution for monitoring of broken rails which is successful in all conditions.
Votum, Russia
Developers of groundbreaking NDT technologies, they are the first in the world to develop phased array testing of rails and welds, amongst other technologies.
RTI, Australia
Developers of world leading technology for vehicular testing of rails, Vehicular Eddy Current Testing and AI based software for processing the data in real time.
Some Of Our Clients
And Many More....